- Sofie Grbol in Unknown
- Sofie Grbol in Sinans bryllup
- Sofie Grbol in Sinans bryllup
- Sofie Grbol in Sekten
- Sofie Grbol in Sekten
- Sofie Grbol in Sekten
- Sofie Grbol in Pelle erobreren AKA Pelle the Conqueror
- Sofie Grbol in Oviri AKA The Wolf at the Door
- Sofie Grbol in Oviri AKA The Wolf at the Door
- Sofie Grbol in Oviri AKA The Wolf at the Door
- Sofie Grbol in Nattevagten
- Sofie Grbol in Morkets oy AKA Isle of Darkness
- Sofie Grbol in Jorden er giftig